Eating, traveling, and photography are some of the things I love. Follow along as I learn to cook, explore Austin, and practice with my camera. Hopefully there will be fun travels in between.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Photo Challenge | Beautiful Eyes

This week's photo challenge from I Heart Faces is Beautiful Eyes.  Well, I feel quite lucky that I happened to do a family photoshoot this weekend with an amazing family.

The "W" family wanted photos for their soon-to-be 4 year old's birthday.  I figured kids that age would be energetic and rambunctious but this boy is athletic beyond belief, running at lightning speeds.  He is such a cutie - check out his beautiful eyes and adorable smile!  And those eyelashes!  

His birthday party will be Batman, and both Batman & Robin joined us for the photoshoot.  He refused to give mommy any kisses for awhile (because girls have cooties) but we got him to do that later.  He then refused to give daddy any kisses but instead socked him in the jaw a few times (his dad is a boxer).  Dad later showed a sad face which of course the boy thought was hilarious.  

Two days later and my legs are heavy as lead, sore as they could be.  Four year old - 1,  Maki - 0.  

Monday, August 8, 2011

Boats and Kayaks [travel photography]

My husband recently bought me Lightroom 3 (yay!) and I can see that it'll be an awesome organizational and editing tool - once I learn it :)   The one right below was taken from our cruise boat in Halong Bay.

We had returned from visiting a local, floating community and they are bringing us back to our cruise boat. I was lucky enough to be one of the first ones back to capture this scene.  I love the colors and the contrast between the two types of boats!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Longtail boats

These longtail boats have become somewhat of a trademark for the islands around Thailand.  This was taken in Ko Phi Phi on our way up to "the Viewpoint."  Well, we did get lost because while it's a must-see, no one seemed to know where it was exactly!